Back up your writing!

Just a quick word on backing up your work. No, I haven’t just had that nightmare scenario where your work has been subsumed into the ether never to be seen again but I thought I would share my super anal back up practises…on second thoughts, I’ll rephrase that. This is how I back up my

Talking About Rejections

Read an interesting blog post by  Heather Trese entitled ‘Should Writers Talk About Their Rejections?‘ after seeing it retweeted by @dirtywhitecandy on Twitter. This caught my interest because I painstakingly detail all my rejections here. I mainly do this for a personal record but intentionally because I’ve never seen any other writer do it. The

My Alterego: Ben Cory Wodehouse

Came across the site I Write Like which compares your own writing with more esteemed writers. I uploaded the first 3 chapters of Railroaded and IWL said I write like Cory Doctorow. I then uploaded the first 3 chapters of my WIP and IWL says I write like P.G.Wodehouse. I’ve never read either of these

Short Story Published!

Holy crap! Hell must have frozen over, eskimo’s must be buying ice AND arabs must be buying sand plus other such impossibilities because one of my short stories is actually getting published. Spikethecat had a competition called ‘The Last Laugh‘ so I submitted my story ‘The Lost Journeyman’. Recently I got an email saying it

Are you ready to publish your novel?

There’s a wave of graphic/information geeks out there who are making seemingly boring data look attractive via the medium of flow-charts, graphs, pie-charts, etc. Information is Beautiful is the best known site featuring loads of ‘Infographics’. Charting The Beatles is a great one charting the lyrics and songs of The Beatles. GraphJam contains loads of

Is Your Sci-fi Story Original?

I submitted a short story to Strange Horizons, an online speculative fiction magazine, and reading their thorough submission guidelines was an education. They have a great section called ‘Stories We’ve Seen Too Often‘ which details up to 37 plots which they’ve seen too many times. Some of them are blatant no-brainers such as ‘it’s all