My Writing Goals for 2015

Everyone else is at it so I thought I’d write a post about setting goals too. I was also inspired by Sophie Playle’s post on ‘Writing Goals – What Are They Good For?’ which talks about how to set goals and what goals to set, eg. be flexible and don’t aim for the impossible.

I’ve always had yearly writing goals but this year I’m going to write them down for everyone to check out and ruthlessly measure me against come December 31st 2015.

My writing goals for 2015 are;

  1. Finish 2nd and 3rd draft of Novel 3, ‘Blindsided’ by Easter.
  2. Give copies to beta readers for feedback.
  3. Write 4th draft of ‘Blindsided’ based on feedback.
  4. Get first 3 chapters and synopsis professionally edited and sent off to agents.
  5. Get ‘In A Right State’ onto other online retailers.
  6. Keep an eye out for marketing opportunities for ‘In A Right State’ and experiment with price.
  7. Get 2nd novel, ‘Broken Branches’, professionally critiqued and edited in the 2nd half of 2015 and look to get a self-published version launched early 2016.
  8. Write more blog posts.
  9. Think more about 4th novel (untitled) and make notes.

Plenty to be getting on with this year.