MOAppsWrite – Mac Writing Software

Man! Am I the laziest blogger ever?! Been writing a short story, ‘Branching Out’ which is a prequel to my second novel ‘Broken Branches’. Originally thought it would be 2,000/3,000 words, so far I’m on 8,500 and it’ll clear 10,000 easy (which classifies it as a ‘Novelette‘, apparently). Also, between the last post and the


I thought I’d get involved in Chuck Wendig’s flash fiction competition, 100 words on the theme ‘revenge’. Editing this to the bare bones to meet the word count proved harder than vomitting forth the first draft, so here it is… Mr Kingston sat coiled in his chair, scrutinising Mr Harris at the podium, “Thank you,

‘Clarity is Strength, Understanding is Peace, Humbug is Ignorance.’

I recently read ‘Why I Write‘ by George Orwell and within the essay ‘Politics and the English Language’ lie the ‘writing rules’ sometimes quoted on Twitter and elsewhere online. It’s an interesting essay where he points out that jargon, unoriginal metaphors, padding and ‘humbug’ are used increasingly in politics and creeping into other literary arena’s.

Writing ‘The End’ is my motivation.

@iainbroome posed the tweet; About to record WfYL podcast. Quick poll: what motivates you to write? I replied; Finishing something I created. Finishing is what really gets me on the laptop and hitting those keys.  I could think about ideas and story-lines all day without lifting a finger but compiling all those ideas and story-lines into some kind