World Book Day, Book Night and Book Season!

It’s all going off in the world of books at the moment!

Today is ‘World Book Day‘ and Saturday is ‘World Book Night‘, not on the same day.  I don’t make up the rules.

On book night you can attend an event and get given a free book chosen from a limited selection.  If you’re in Worthing then check out the book night event at Mooey’s Mocha Shop where you can receive a copy of Philip Pullman’s ‘Northern Lights‘.

Also, The BBC have a book season going on with loads of great programmes.  You can see them all here and watch them on iPlayer if you missed them.  The Review Show and The Culture Show have specials airing plus dedicated shows such as ‘My Life in Books’ and ‘Faulks on Fiction’ which have been good. ‘Birth of the British Novel‘, presented by Phil Mitchell, was also very good.

All these shows are a great eye-opener into loads of classic books you may not have read and may never get around to reading.  It’s all a bit daunting when trying to sculpt your own little corner of British literature but educational and awe-inspiring at the same time.